Chinese KFC Chicken Supplier in Feed Scandal
November 28, 2012KFC Chickens in China are being fed chemicals that are so toxic it even kills the flies that buzz around it, according to reports in the Chinese press.
A Chinese poultry supplier to fast food chain KFC was discovered to have accelerated the growth of chickens using the harmful “instant chicken” chemical feed, sparking food safety concerns, according to a recent report.
“The feed has been laced with chemicals and additives,” a worker with the Shanxi Province-based Suhai Group told China Economic Net in a report last week. “We don’t know exactly what it is, but it is definitely harmful. Even flies that buzzed around the toxic feed died.” “Young people don’t dare to work here,” he said.
Suhai Group raises the chickens on feed that contain additives that speed up their growth cycle to 45 days. The report indicated that there were three types of chicken feed that contained additives that affect chickens’ bone development, provide extra nutrition, and allow the poultry to gain two to three ounces in weight daily over 10 days, according to the China Economic Net.
The chicken feed scandal prompted the Chinese public to express concerns over food safety.
(A Chinese farmer collect eggs at a chicken farm in Hefei in eastern China's Anhui province in November 2009).